Choose to Ignite is not a typical men’s group, coaching program, or therapeutic space.

In fact, this might be one of the very few spaces that is not concerned with making you feel good about yourself, to appease you, to ease your pain about the world.

Instead, this is a program created for you to ignite from the inside out and to bring your pain about what you deeply care about to the surface.

Why? — Because this is the pain that is needed:

This program is for you to walk the path to becoming no longer numb about the pain of the world and the pain of what is missing for you.

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Many of us are being called by forces greater than ourselves to come together. To collaborate, to create teams, to village, to evolve, to learn how to communicate more effectively with each other.

You may be carrying an essential piece of a puzzle that forms a bigger picture that is rapidly unfolding.

You may have noticed by now that you need a team. We cannot do this on our own. Working alone we are like a dog chasing its own tail.

Choose to Ignite is a 12-week program for Men to get the training, feedback and coaching that they need to bring their piece of the puzzle 🧩, their gifts (nonmaterial value) and their life’s purpose forward to the world.

Who is it for?

Choose to Ignite is a 12-week-long Program for Men on their Path of Evolution who have an inspiring mission and are actively working towards creating new foundations for a regenerative world.

This program is for Men who value Villaging, Community, Connection with Nature, Gaia, Mother Earth, Healing, Evolution, and the Creation of Regenerative Cultures.

Men who have achieved a high level of "success" in their own ways, financial, academic, adventure, spiritual, relationships, etc, AND they want support from a team to take the next step in their evolutionary journey:

How does it go?

Feelings are a resource that is misused, abused and repressed in Modern Culture, discarded as childish, irrational, inconvenient, a broken thing that needs to be fixed or put to the side to be able to “function”.

Most of us have learned and conditioned ourselves to hide, repress, project, deny, disown, our feelings, and to use them in unconscious ways to survive the world where we were born into.

A revolutionary thing is to learn how to feel again.

The purpose is for this 12-week program to be the space through which your being can grow its capacity to consciously feel and to use this new resource as rocket fuel for powering your life’s purpose.

The program provides these 3 core components:

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  1. Coaching: Weekly 2-hour group video calls to connect, practice new skills, get feedback and coaching, and ask possibilities from the team.

  2. Course: Pre-recorded video guides and previous coaching calls. A Digital Course that covers step-by-step the foundations for empowering to you to compost your parts that don’t serve anymore, loosen your baggage, and become alive from the inside out.

  3. Community: Share your discoveries and celebrations, get feedback and coaching, and ask for support, questions and possibilities from the team.

EHP Warmup Dojo

This is an additional 2-hour a week space for practicing feeling, inner-navigation and for holding and navigating space for you and others to feel.

During the program, there will be emotions that come up. Triggers, emotional wounds, energetic blockages, old stuck fears and old beliefs that keep you stuck repeating old patterns.

The EHP Warmup Dojo is the space where you get to process with your team these stuck emotions and it’s a training space for feeling, practicing new behaviours, and practicing your spaceholding skills.

The EHP Dojo is complementary to the Weekly Group calls. Without processing the emotions that come up, there won’t be any meaningful deep change in the participant’s core.

The EHP Dojo is an accelerator of your evolutionary state. Things that would take you years and even lifetimes to get, this space makes it possible for you to process the shit, the ancestral trauma, the years of oppression, the mother issues, the baggage, etc, more efficiently.

Think of the EHP Dojo as an optimized composter system. It takes about 2-3 years to process humanure to become usable as non-toxic compost. This processing space drastically reduces the time from years to a few months and even to a few weeks.

What’s covered in the Digital Course?

Step-by-step instructions and experiments to ignite yourself with your own resources and life force.


  1. Sourcing Your Feelings. This module covers the current state of numbness that most men exist in, numbing strategies and defence mechanisms that make them a dead machine. And paints the roadmap to growing their capacity to feel and to hold space for feelings.

  2. Reclaiming Your Authority. This module explains how those of us who were born in mainstream culture and went to school were heavily conditioned to obey and give our center to an external authority. And it paints a roadmap with the practices and processes to reclaim your center, your voice and get your authority back so that you can become the author of your life.

  3. Distilling Your Purpose. In this module we'll go through the different invisible forces that influence your behavior, sabotaging, keeping you in endless  repeating cycles, stuck at certain levels playing a stupid game. In this module I paint the roadmap to mapping out these invisible forces so that they don't have such a tight grip on your life and so they can actually become allies in your journey. As well as lay out the games that you could be creating or playing, and how the universe changes around you when you become committed.

Each module is broken down into 3 core parts and short simple videos of 5-15 minutes in length.

What makes this space unique?

This space emerges from Archiarchy, a regenerative human cultural context that emerges from Radical Responsibility after Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course.

What this means is that entering this space is like travelling to a foreign country of a foreign culture.

Archiarchy is contexted in Radical Responsibility and it's based in the collaboration between initiated adult Women and Men.

Although coaching and feedback is used as one of the tools in this space, this is NOT a hierarchical space like other typical coaching, healing or therapy spaces.

Choose to Ignite operates inside the context of Men: Becoming Alive, an energetic toroidal field of transformation, collaboration and teamwork for Men to go through Authentic Adulthood Initiations that allow them to take more responsibility.

Nobody is a higher authority in the space, or a therapist, or a counsellor, or the one that knows and that is going to give you the answer to your question or solve your problem for you.

The space does NOT regard the participants as broken, sick, or something to be fixed.

It's up to every participant to bring in their edge, their questions, and their research. to make this a space of research of what you want to get from it, what you want to learn about yourself or what skills you want to gain.

When does it start?

The program starts in February 2024.

This is an ongoing program, meaning that new participants can jump in at any time.

The weekly calls are on Tuesdays from 8 to 10 am Pacific Time.

The EHP Dojo happens on Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5 pm Pacific Time.

The program doesn't have a beginning or an end. Participants can continue to be part of the space even after the 12 weeks, for deepening, practicing and refining the use of the tools and receiving support from the team.

Frequently Asked Questions

Message me with any questions you have about this program at [email protected].

What is the time commitment?

2 hours for the weekly group call.

2 hours a week for processing emotions that come up in an EHP Dojo:

15 minutes a day for sharing in the chat your progress with your commitments, and gold from your discoveries.

Total: 4-5 hours a week.

If you are an apprentice in the space, an extra 2 hours a week is required to connect with the trainer and other apprentices for additional training.

Apprentices total: 6-7 hours a week.

How much does it cost?

Joining the full 12-week hybrid program has a cost of $1200, or $120 a week for 12 weeks.

*There’s space for 3 apprentices to join for a fraction of the cost. If you’re on fire to learn how to hold space for this program, for a program like this or to develop your skills to hold space for your own transformational program, let me know in the registration form.

Are you interested?

Fill out this form to Register

Not sure yet?

Check out my introduction video to Sourcing Your Feelings and the 2-hour recorded worktalk where I share in detail the maps, practices and experiments that open doorways to sourcing your feelings to power your life purpose.

Book a 1:1 Possibility Coaching call with Jorge.

Get the Free 1-Hour Roadmap for Men Becoming Alive, where I share the roadmap and foundational distinctions for the 3-parts that are covered in the Digital Course.

Catching on Fire (The Phoenix Process)